
A new exhibition of 10 color pictures in 30x40cm format on the theme of the colorful facades of Nice will take place from Tuesday April 1 to Tuesday April 29, 2025 at Objectif Riviera 24 rue Hôtel des Postes in Nice. There will be no opening and only an information note with contact details will represent me. However, a surprise visit on Saturday afternoon is not impossible.

A new exhibition at the Galerie Ferrero, 19 rue Droite (Vieux-Nice – Old city) in Nice will take place from Monday March 24 to Sunday March 30, 2025. 6 pictures in B&W and 14 in color in 40x60cm format will be presented there.

Updated 05/09/2024. I added a new page called Graphics in which you will find graffiti, bodies of cars, motorcycles, buses and other utility vehicles. There could be all kinds of graphic effects on walls or advertising or information panels.

Robert de Nice asks you to respect his work and his property rights (copyright). You can therefore look at this site, distribute the Internet address and talk about it to those around you, but avoid compulsively copying the pictures, especially without mentioning the author. Thanks in advance.


Here you will find pictures of Nice, often different, sometimes unusual but that all aim to be beautiful.

Nice is my privileged photographic hunting ground. I constantly travel the city in a permanent search. I don’t offer a classic and expected vision of reality, there are plenty of other photographers for that, but an interpretation, an amplification, a sublimation and a transfiguration of reality. I don’t show the world as it is but as I would like it to be. However, this is only valid in my architectural photos in the broad sense and not obviously in my sports pictures which do not have the same purpose. I don’t do photojournalism. I do not pretend to revolutionize the art of photography but I bring my personal vision. I define myself as an alchemist, a sorcerer and a color magician. Vast ambition which always represents a permanent challenge. I don’t always succeed, but I persevere. Because I start every day. Because every day is a permanent challenge. Because each day is in turn genesis, gehenna and gesina.

Here there is no applied and faithful restitution but only primitive and untamed desires for enslaved realities and frenzied amplifications of detail. According to chance, in an endless and unrestrained search for the pure and disembodied image, which sometimes appears insolent and sovereign. Majestic and demanding. Voracious and fierce.

All my pictures are worked in post-production without any exception. Picture editing is not the art of concealment but of embellishment. Picture editing is like makeup for women. They can do without but it’s better with. What woman can claim the opposite? Just as there is an art to makeup, there is an art to editing. I also and especially like contrasting pictures with saturated colors.I like contrasting pictures with saturated colors.

Being the man of extremes through his choices, the density of his colors, the quest for detail, the absolute framing. From wide-angle to big telephoto. Outside of these extremes there is no salvation.

You will sometimes find in some of my pictures a taste of lost paradise, unfortunately perhaps never found. Invitations to inner journeys, accumulated dreams and unfulfilled desires. Fallow memories and developing nostalgia. My pictures express a world that does not exist. They only aspire to allow you to weigh anchor and explore virgin times and spaces. They are only the fruit of nothingness and chance combined, In my veins the blood does not flow alone. It coexists with light and color. With spaces and times. With several infinities and several eternities.

So don’t expect to see in these pages a strict transcription of reality, which doesn’t interest me. My pictures are often an exacerbation of reality or, to be modern, augmented reality. All of them may not have this imprint. The world unfortunately seems hopelessly bland to me so I am forced to enhance its brilliance by any means at my disposal. There may therefore perfectly be a difference in appearance between one of my pictures and what could be observed. Not knowing how to paint or draw, some pictures are treated as an abstract or minimalist painting. So from a successful classic picture, I remove all the elements deemed useless to keep only the essentials, only the purity, only the quintessence. You have to constantly get rid of the accessory to aim only for the heart. While most photographers strive to reproduce as faithfully as possible what they saw, I show what I would have liked to see, my primitive and untamed desire. Some writers or poets say they write with their blood. I also take my pictures with my blood, hence a very carnal connection with my pictures.

I am a colorist who loves black and white. The B&W represents in my eyes a real x-ray of the material which color will never achieve. Color captivates, envelops reality and intoxicates. Drunkenness is therefore certainly colors for me. While the B&W privileges and reveals the texture, the material, the lines and the shadows. Color and B&W are nevertheless two parallel worlds with different purposes. Neither can oust the other.

In my opinion, since the invention of photography by the French Nicéphore Niépce in 1824, there have been three major developments, if not 3 revolutions: color, digital technology and artificial intelligence. We are with artificial intelligence on the verge of prodigious developments and not only in the field of photography.

Being a supporter of Art for Art, my pictures have no other vocation than to be pure aesthetic objects except in very rare exceptions perhaps. There should therefore be no historical, sociological or other connotation in it. I do not offer ready-to-see pictures as there is ready-to-wear. Everything is made to measure. My pictures have no other ambition than to fortify the eyes worn by habits and banalities at the risk of losing all critical vision.

I can present here only a very small part of my photographic production accumulated over time and increased at a steady pace. It is also impossible to expose too much because the site would quickly become cumbersome to manage and its reading would be indigestible. Here again, making a draconian selection is a cruel but essential, if not vital, choice.

Not being sponsored by anyone, I would not advertise to such a manufacturer of photographic equipment or to such a software publisher. This site is not a photography learning site. There are already a lot of them. So I will not mention the shooting conditions and will not give specific explanations. This site is intended only for those who want to appreciate beautiful pictures whose subject, framing and rendering they liked.

Staging the space. Architectures of appearance. Constructions of the mystery. Repetitions of chance. Birth of desires. Writings of drunkenness and chimeras. Everything here is a pretext, an alibi, a palimpsest.

The distribution of pictures by theme is necessarily arbitrary and therefore questionable, so be indulgent. Isn’t the most important thing to show them?

If my pictures arouse vocations, I would have the satisfaction of not having worked in vain. To those wishing to start a career as a photographer, I take the liberty of specifying the qualities that seem to me necessary. It takes, in the disorder, observation, patience, perseverance, curiosity and above all the eye. If you do not have the eye and the sense of framing, you will fail or remain inexorably by the wayside. So in this case, no need to spend a fortune on photographic equipment, do something else. The beautiful picture does not need sophisticated and very expensive equipment. I was going to forget an indispensable quality. You need humility, a lot of humility. Believing that we have taken the picture of the century may seem presumptuous, but on the contrary, we must never give up. I don’t know what an original picture is. I only know two kinds of pictures : the successful ones and the failed ones. Even if I see a picture whose subject has already been taken millions of times or more, I only wonder if the picture is successful or not. Any other consideration is foreign to me.

I might seem talkative to some, but that’s not unusual. I have been waiting to speak to you for more than a thousand years.

Finally, don’t forget that for this site to survive, it needs you, your visits, your loyalty and the publicity that you will make around you. Thank you in advance.

If my translation has errors, let me know and I will correct them.

You can write to me, if you wish, at the address :





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